About Wind lake Management District

What is the  WLMD?

The Wind Lake Management District (WLMD) is a special purpose government whose focus is strictly Wind Lake and its watershed. Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 33 provided for the creation of lake districts, recognizing that volunteer associations could not meet the needs facing the water resources in the state. Unlike towns or cities, a lake district has very specific responsibilities that are dictated by Wisconsin Statute Chapter 33. The Statute says that activities can include development and implementation of lake studies and plans, monitoring and improving water quality, aeration, dredging, surveys and water safety patrols.

The Wind Lake Management District (WLMD) was created in 1985, following the procedures outlined in Chapter 33. The objectives include improving the overall appearance of the lake and the water quality. The goal is to make Wind Lake a better place to live and raise our families through improved water quality.

The Annual Meeting, usually held in early September of each year, approves a budget and projects for the year. The Board of Commissioners implement the directives of the annual meeting. The WLMD must comply with many of the same State Statutes that any village, town, or city must follow, including Open Meeting laws and reporting.

The WLMD conducts aquatic plant management (chemical treatment, harvesting and roadside pickups), water quality monitoring, educational newsletters and goose roundups. Completed activities have included the development and implementation of a Lake Plan, sensitive land acquisition, dredging, an alum treatment to reduce algae blooms and community surveys.

The WLMD funds its various projects using Special Charges set at the Annual Meeting each September.

Current Charges:
Lakefront - $280
Canal - $160
Off-lake Properties - $100

The WLMD aggressively seeks state, federal and private grants to conduct the rehabilitation efforts. Since its creation in 1985, WLMD has received more than $2.5 million in grants.

Wind Lake Boundry Map
Wind Lake Plane Projection Map
Wind Lake DNR Contour Map
Wind Lake levels FAQs